Tom Robinson Artist
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janet jaffke

Four years ago in a dream, I received a very powerful message. “Make paintings of birds to raise money for starving children in Africa”. The experience was so profound and intense; I flew upright and was wide-awake., my poor dog almost flew off the bed. It was hard to believe, but the direction was clear and I vowed to follow through with the mission.

I began slowly by attending the life drawing studio weekly held at Tom Robinson’s studio. I have a full time job and many personal responsibilities so the time I can devote to the project has been limited. The process has been slow but steady but I have no doubt I will reach the finish line.

My work in this show is the first series of bird paintings./ drawings. It represents experimentation in various mediums and styles – some more successful than others as I find my way.

These paintings are the beginning of an effort to bring beauty and a sense of peace into the world, to help fund a humanitarian need, and to achieve my highest human potential as an artist. I hope this effort will inspire others to step out and use their gift to create a better world.

Janet Jaffke Bird Painting